5 Invaluable Tips to Prolong the Life of Your Curtain Fabrics

Hardly anything can survive indefinitely on their own. Even the best of curtain fabrics in Gurgaon will require care and nurturing from your side to serve you in the best possible way. Yes, they may require less maintenance owing to their superior quality, but total neglect is never good for their life. When treated properly, they will continue to serve their purpose for an eternity without any complains whatsoever.

So, take note of these 5 invaluable tips to prolong your curtain fabrics life and let them proudly guard your windows. Enhance the décor of your room and complement your furniture.
  • Strictly follow the washing instructions
The wrong combination of water temperature and detergent are like instant poison to your curtains. The manufacturer will attach thorough washing instructions in the curtain tag and you must follow them like the law. Use soap only when it is recommended, put in the extra labour if machine washing is not an option.
  • Develop the habit of spot washing
Throwing the curtains to detergent water every time something happens will make it fade faster. No amount of colour quality can withstand the chemicals of the soap continuously. Hence, if there is a small stain on the curtain just a few days after its wash cycle, spot-wash the area by hand and let it dry. This habit will protect the entire fabric.
  • Sun-dry only when it is an option
The best curtain fabrics can withstand direct sunlight but prolonged exposure can make it lose its shine with time. Here again, read the manufacturer provided instruction carefully. Often, lighter colours can take the sun but the deeper ones require shade. Make the choice with all the information you have and take the steps accordingly.
  •  Vacuum regularly to remove dust
Dust does accumulate on curtains, even when they are not clearly noticeable. It makes the fabric heavy which, in turn, puts pressure on its attachments. Again, the best curtain rods in Gurgaon can take the weight only to a certain limit and regular removal will help them along with keeping you allergy-free. So, vacuum regularly, especially those unreachable corners.
  • Take care while handling the curtains
Every time you move the curtains, all its stitches feel pressure. Not that you should not move them at all, but take care while handling the fabrics. Any sudden movement or too much force can weaken the bindings and cut short the life of a good curtain. Be normal about things and pull the curtains with human strength.

And the last bonus tip – stick to the top sellers of curtain fabrics and curtain rods in Gurgaon. As no matter how much care you give to a poor fabric, it will die fast. Be smart, buy right and take care.


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