How to Choose the Right Type of Curtains and Get the Right Fit?

You should never buy your curtains just randomly. They should always be properly measured in order to fit your windows and bring out the perfect look. Proper curtain fittings require you to keep several things in mind including the material, texture and look you want.

Understand how the measurements are written

While buying a readymade curtain always remember that any type of curtain is demonstrated with its width first and then the length. So, if your curtain says that it is 42”x50” it means that it has a width of 42 inches and a length of 50 inches.

Decide from before the style of the curtain you want

There are different types of curtains that are available in the market. You need to fixate your thoughts on one such type to narrow down your choices.

· Traditional – If you plan to go all traditional with the décor of your room, then you should keep in mind that traditional curtains are hung on curtain rods from 6 inches on top of the window. Moreover, they will have to extend on each side of the window by 3inches.

· Contemporary – If you want a contemporary look, there is no fixed rule as to how and where you should hang the rod. Place it where you want and then take the measurement to one inch above the floor. This shall be the length of your curtain.

· Luxurious – If a bit of luxury is what you want, they you have to let your curtains pool on the floor and they should also be hung from a place that is closer to the ceiling.

Remember the fullness factor

Covering only the width of the window is what most people do. It definitely gives your windows a tailored look but that is not all you should look into. If you want to give a fuller look, the width needs to be at least twice the width of the window. This will give you the full vibe. Moreover, you should also choose longer curtains. When the length of the curtains is kept quite long, it will automatically make the windows appear fuller. The curtain fabric also needs to be taken into consideration while deciding the look and feel of the window.

Consider the standard lengths of curtains

You should definitely measure your windows and decide which type of curtains you want. But at the same time, you should also remember that there are some fixed lengths for curtains that are available in the market. This option is important if you want to buy curtains that are ready made. But if you have something particular in mind, then you can get custom-made curtains as well.

Different windows should be measured differently

The same type of curtains must never be used for the entire house. You should measure your bedroom windows in one way and your lounge windows in another way. If you have bay windows, then you will have to do a separate measurement for them as well.

Measuring your curtains is quite a task but an accurate measurement is something that will determine how your curtains will look in the end. So, make no mistakes and measure accurately, if needed take help of an expert and get the best look.


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